Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Sümeg: Sümeg is a little town, but known throughout Hungary because of the castle. It's at the top of a very very steep hill.

It is a medieval castle, so I hope you didn't expect huge towers or tall buildings...

This is a view from the inside, in between the walls of the castle. It has a flat grass garden in the middle, where likely they'd have had lunch or dinner, or they would train for battle or whatever.

It is NOT the castle one would expect; it isn't big, nor pretty: It wasn't a king's castle, bur a feudal lord's, and it was built there because of the great advantadge that had for self-defense.

That explains the wonderful views you have of the surroundings:

While heading back to Óhíd, I came across two Austrian boys that were walking with their backpacks. They are gona be travelling for a year. Starting Today! That's crazy. I just met them on their first day!

They were going to Türje, the village where i found Wifi (remember?). So I was lucky I could help them, by explaining how to go (bus), that it wasnt far (about 2 hours walking) and that they needen't to worry, because they could easily get there on the same day.

Ten minutes later i found a Hungarian man (in his 40's) that also was backpacking, and asked me to take a picture of him and Sümeg's castle.

As I was arriving home, the sky had traces of purple in the horitzon... I thought it was worth taking a picture

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